[Lazarus] exception handling in constructor
Howard Page-Clark
hdpc at talktalk.net
Sat Mar 2 11:38:57 CET 2013
On 02/03/13 5:45, Flávio Etrusco wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 11:49 PM, Xiangrong Fang <xrfang at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> If my class constructor looks like this:
>> constructor TMyClass.Create(fn: string);
>> begin
>> sl := TStringList.Create;
>> try
>> fs := TFileStream.Create(fn, fmOpenRead);
>> except
>> self.Destroy;
>> end;
>> end;
>> I create the objec like: MyInstance :=
>> TMyClass.Create('AnNonExistentFile'); An exception occured, I can ensure
>> that:
>> 1. there is no memory leak.
> I assume FPC behaves like Delphi, so there's no leak.
> Actually, you don't even need to explicitly call Destroy; when an
> exception occurs in a constructor the destructor is called
> automatically.
>> 2. the MyInstance variable is assigned nil?
> No, it's not initialized.
But you can write:
constructor TMyClass.Create(fn: string);
var fs: TFileStream;
sl := TStringList.Create;
fs := TFileStream.Create(fn, fmOpenRead);
self:= nil;
which gives no memory leak, (provided your destructor frees the
stringlist sl) and also ensures MyInstance is assigned a nil value.
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