[Lazarus] Debugging fixed strings in UTF8 encoding

Ernest V Miller miller_ev at etk.ru
Thu Mar 28 06:54:50 CET 2013

As you could see in my previous examples, Lazarus shows the content of
variable string correctly,  no matter how the symbols are encoded.
So there is no need in special encoding options in Watches.
The point is that when IDE evaluates the string content, there is a
difference for it whether the string has variable of fixed length.
After all, strings are ordered sequences of characters and should be
recognized very very similar.
I think it is a bug, and it seems to me that it can be fixed with minimal

Martin <lazarus at mfriebe.de> wrote 28.03.2013 03:13:01:

> Currently the only way would be to allow the user to specify how to
> interpret a watch, that is the user would set in the watches properties,
> if he wants utf8 or whatever encoding.
> You can add a feature request, but currently that would have very low
> priority. (or "patches welcome")
> --
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