[Lazarus] Debugging fixed strings in UTF8 encoding
Ernest V Miller
miller_ev at etk.ru
Fri Mar 29 02:18:55 CET 2013
Martin <lazarus at mfriebe.de> написано 28.03.2013 19:58:17:
> Also in your first example
> > ansi := Utf8ToAnsi('Кукла');
> is that cyrillic? Can that be translated into ansi on your system? Have
> you tried to output the string
> for i := 1 to length(ansi) do s := s + inttostr(ord(ansi[i]))+', ';
Yes, it is cyrillic and it can be translated into ansi. My value of s
after your test loop for 'Кукла' is '202, 243, 234, 235, 224, '
> There are 2 issues (in what I reproduced):
> 1) *** "???"
> Actually the "?" are really present in the string. They are put there by
> Utf8ToAnsi for characters that could not be translated to ansi. So in
> that the debugger shows the correct content.
> At least that happens with the chars I used for testing:
Despite the fact that each character of 'Кукла' is represented in
ansi, Utf8ToAnsi gives ? in exchange for every normal ansi symbol.
Interesting thing is that further call of
AnsiToUtf8(ansi); //ansi contains '?????' as a result of
previous Utf8ToAnsi('Кукла') conversion
returns 'Кукла' again, not '?????'.
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