[Lazarus] How to disable the assembler window on Linux?

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Wed May 8 18:06:25 CEST 2013

On 08/05/2013 16:35, silvioprog wrote:
> 2013/5/8 silvioprog <silvioprog at gmail.com <mailto:silvioprog at gmail.com>>
>     2013/5/8 Martin <lazarus at mfriebe.de <mailto:lazarus at mfriebe.de>>
>         [...]
>         Sorry, no that was not fixed.
>         I was told something about path loading. That was hopped to
>         fix initial issue. Is that also still there?
>         Can you try the 2 debugln?
>         Because we still need to find out who is the right person to
>         look at this after all
>         Sorry about the mess.
>     No problem friend. :)
>     I'll do it now, a minute...
> Done:
> http://pastebin.com/HC7bcTay

Ok. dumb question on my site: did the assembler window show, or did it 
work without it?
Because I cant see the asm stuff in the log.

Well looking for it, I can now see it way down. But a completely 
different situation,
That triggers different code...

      So question: has the original issue been resolved ?

About the new one, I can see what happens.

The stopped position does not have debug info, so it can not display.
It should try to find a position on the stack....

That fails. And it fails because it is exclusively disabled at that time....

I am not sure of the exact reasons... But IIRC it would give 
source-editor the hickups (crash it) if it was allowed.
I might find time to investigate that again, but I don't know. 
Otherwise, this will need to wait. The original plan to resolve it 
requires a big rewrite.

On your own risk:
debugger/gdbmidebugger line 5185

function TGDBMIDebuggerCommandExecute.ProcessStopped(const AParams: String;
   procedure ProcessSignalReceived(const AList: TGDBMINameValueList);

       if not AIgnoreSigIntState
       or not SigInt
       then ProcessFrame(F);

remove the lock and unlock.

IIRC it is tricky to get the crash. So you might get a long way before 
it happens
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