[Lazarus] utf8process error while compiling lazarus on Win32

Leonardo M. Ramé l.rame at griensu.com
Tue Nov 5 15:48:55 CET 2013

Hi, I'm trying to compile trunk version from svn on Win32 and I'm
getting this error:

Compiling graphmath.pp
Compiling intfgraphics.pas
Compiling lclversion.pas
Compiling icnstypes.pas
Compiling graphics.pp
Compiling lresources.pp
Compiling dynqueue.pas
Compiling lazconfigstorage.pas
Compiling lclrescache.pas
Compiling lclintf.pas
Compiling interfacebase.pp
Compiling themes.pas
Compiling tmschema.pas
Compiling interfacebase.pp
Compiling lclintf.pas
Compiling utf8process.pp
utf8process.pp(179,59) Error: Identifier not found "lisProgramFileNotFound"
utf8process.pp(182,53) Error: Identifier not found "lisCanNotExecute"
utf8process.pp(206) Fatal: There were 2 errors compiling module, stopping 
TExternalToolList.Run Exception: E:\lazarus\lcl\utf8process.pp(206)
Fatal: There  were 2 errors compiling module, stopping ERROR: tool reported error
.\fpc\2.6.2\bin\i386-win32\make.exe: *** [useride] Error 2

Any hint?.
Leonardo M. Ramé

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