[Lazarus] Centered elements in autosize enabled panel. Possible?

Valdas Jankūnas zmuogs at gmail.com
Mon Nov 11 11:51:14 CET 2013

2013.11.11 06:06, Avishai rašė:
> Could you use a TPanel in place of the TBevel?  I tried that and it  gives
> the same visual effect without the size problems.  But I don't know what
> you are doing with the TBevel.


  I use TBevel as separator (Shape=bsLeftLine) between components. I 
tried TPanel: looks good, also its Width  automatically adjusts to 2 
when "CellAlighHorizontal" is set to other than "ccaFill".

  Also I found how to rearrange Childs easily when "ChildSizing" is used:
- Parent.ChildSizing set to "cclNone";
- change "Z order" of Child;
- revert back Parent.ChildSizing.

  I found why TBevel "doesn't want" shrink less than 50px: TBevel has 
function "GetControlClassDefaultSize" where "Result.CY := 50;" is hardcoded.

   Valdas Jankūnas

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