[Lazarus] How to use TRegExpr class (in synregexpr.pas)

FreeMan freeman35 at delphiturkiye.com
Thu Oct 24 14:43:46 CEST 2013

Lazarus Revision 43315
TRegExpr class in "/opt/lazarus/components/synedit/synregexpr.pas"

  I need check IP address, my IP4OK function for this. If I sent 
variable result is false, but sent parameter like '' result is 
true, what is wrong?

EDT_IP: TMaskEdit;
EDT_IP.EditMask:= '!999.999.999.999;1; ';

function IP4OK(pT: string): boolean;
var r  : TRegExpr;
     i  : integer;
     IP : String;
   r := TRegExpr.Create;
   r.Expression := '^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$';
   IP := pT;
   Result := r.Exec(pT);  //Line 1.
   Result := r.Exec(IP); //Line 2.
   IP := '';
   Result := r.Exec(IP);  //Line 3.
   Result := r.Exec(''); //Line 4.

firts test:
if IP4OK('') then .... if I use this function like this, "// 
Line X. " all r.Exec function return True

second test via vairable:
run project and type "" in EDT_IP then trigger
if IP4OK(EDT_IP.Text) then .... if I use this function like this,
"// Line 1. " r.Exec function return FALSE
"// Line 2. " r.Exec function return FALSE
"// Line 3. " r.Exec function return TRUE
"// Line 4. " r.Exec function return TRUE

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