[Lazarus] IDE editor BUG

FreeMan freeman35 at delphiturkiye.com
Thu Oct 10 17:20:53 CEST 2013

Thank you very much Martin,
I added your info to my tips & trics note.
I checked my mail times, just 5second different then yours. I mean, 
maybe my mail server has not sent my mail intime.
My problem was, selected font for IDE editor, I changed it to system 
font ( DejaVu Sans Mono ) now everything is okey, Just need afew time 
for useto font :)
I'm writeing much detail in my message usually, 'cos some one need help 
and can find in mail archive.
Thank you

10-10-2013 13:59 tarihinde, Martin yazdı:
> On 10/10/2013 10:50, FreeMan wrote:
>> Maybe this two screenshot give more info, copy and paste from 
>> clipbord. same selected text. blackbackgroud in lazarus IDE, other 
>> one in "Kate" text editor. 'İ' is okey on kate just font proble and 
>> dot is small.
>> Just look carefully to this string part  " ....', PChar...." before 
>> comma space is different. My idea is unicode function problem in 
>> synedit, or string ansisting problem
> I already can tell what is happening.
> Compare the width of the upper "i" with the width of the "2" below. It 
> is not the same.
> SynEdit is a monospace ONLY editor. It only works with monospaced 
> fonts. (Some exceptions, see below)
> SynEdit assumes that the "I" has the same width as every other char. 
> So it assumes that the "S" behind the "I" is exactly above the ")" below.
> You will note that the caret moves into the middle of the "S"
> SynEdit makes one call to the OS TextOut function for all chars with 
> the same color. And if the OS does not paint the chars at the pos that 
> a strictly monospaced font would dictate, then SynEdit does not know. 
> But SynEdit will behave as if the OS did.
> The "," has a diff color. SynEdit makes a new TextOut call to the 
> x-pos where it should be. That is why there is a gap.
> Text selection changes color, so the gap starts moving around.
> If you can not change the font, you can set "Extra Char Spacing" in 
> the editor options to 1 or -1 (or any none zero value). Then SynEdit 
> will paint each char on its own (for internal reasons that does mess 
> up script languages like Arab, except on windows)
> SynEdit detects none monospaced fonts if Latin letters (i,w,m,@) do 
> not have the same width.
> It only test Latin letters as they are present in most fonts.
> If SynEdit would include upper dotted i in that test, it would fix 
> your problem. But it would have side effects for people who use such a 
> font, but only use English alphabet. (In which case the font is ok).
> Same for testing any other none English char. There would always be 
> side effects between different languages (Arab to affect Chinese, or 
> Turkish or English or vice versa...)
> You can edit "TextDrawer" in SynEdit
> line 735
>>   //if OverHang >0 then debugln(['SynTextDrawer: Overhang=', OverHang]);;
>>   FontData^.CharAdv := Width;
>>   FontData^.CharHeight := Height;
>>   FontData^.NeedETO := ETO;
>> end;
> change
>   FontData^.NeedETO := ETO;
> to
>   FontData^.NeedETO := True;
> It will use more CPU / be slower. It will mess up Arab (except on Win)
> In the end: Your font is not monospaced. SynEdit only works with 
> monospaced fonts
> --
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