[Lazarus] WriteLn back to the GUI

ListMember listmember at letterboxes.org
Wed Oct 23 21:16:27 CEST 2013

On 2013-10-23 21:11, Marco van de Voort wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 09:59:04AM +0300, ListMember wrote:
>> My ultimate goal, after finding where it is declared, is to locally
>> modify that part of the sources so that (instead of writing to the
>> console) it will use a global callback to display whatever WriteLn'ed in
>> a TMemo.
> There is no source of writeln, it is split up into various calls by the
> compiler. However in the end those writeln routines write a string, and that
> routine can be redirected.
> Have a look at fpc/packages/streamio.pp
> Running assignstream() on "output" would redirect all normal writeln output
> to the stream that is the second parameter.

StreamIO isn't, unfortunately, good enough for me. I need to see WriteLn 
output in real-time, not when the application (or the called function) ends.

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