[Lazarus] DB aware components

Antonio Fortuny a.fortuny at sitasoftware.lu
Mon Sep 16 10:52:08 CEST 2013

Hi Folks.

Is it normal that when a TDBGrid is dropped onto a TFrame (or 
descendant) the DataSource property cannot be assigned to a TSqlQuery 
dropped onto a TDataModule ? In other words, in the properties 
inspectior of the TDBGrid, the Datasource property shows nothing.
The TDataModule is in the uses clause of the TFrame Interface.
Otherwise when the TDbGrid is doppĂȘd onto a TForm, the DataSource shows 
all TDataset descendants dropped into the TDataModule. It appears to be 
the same for all data aware components that I have tested so far.
Finally, assigning the datasource at runtime appears to work. But this 
is a workaround.

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