[Lazarus] package FCL

Antonio Fortuny a.fortuny at sitasoftware.lu
Thu Sep 5 15:13:14 CEST 2013

> The usual work flow is like this:
> You alter fpc units and tests them with some test program (ppu files in
> source\packages\fcl-db\units\...).
> When you are done, you build all fpc packages that depend on these ppus and copy
> all new files to the install folders (fpc\2.6.2\units\...).
Done with units from bufdataset.pas. All the fpc-db has been recompiled 
and units copied
But still doesn't work with Lazarus. Dropping the TBufDataSet onto a 
Form the new method I added is not seen.
My problem seems to be able to re-install the component.

When changing a little bit an FPC unit not involved in any Lazarus 
package, the former trick runs OK and looks pretty good.
This time inside the Lazarus IDE the changes I've made to the original 
unit are not seen.
> The safest way is too simply rebuild the whole fpc and call make install.
> Please read the documentation about building and installing fpc.
> Mattias
> --
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