[Lazarus] Resolved: Carbon Application: Unable to open file "-psn_0_....."

Michalis Kamburelis michalis.kambi at gmail.com
Tue Sep 10 21:13:23 CEST 2013

Schindler Karl-Michael wrote:
> I finally found it. The problem was that the program accepts a file for opening from the first command line parameter. That's where the -psn_0_.... came from.

And the -psvn... option is under the hood passed to your programs when 
you run them from Finder on Mac OS X, see 
http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=207344 and 
. When programming Mac OS X GUI programs that interpret command-line, 
you have to be ready to detect (and usually ignore) the -psvn... options.


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