[Lazarus] IDE - SynEdit not accept accented characters

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Wed Sep 11 12:45:37 CEST 2013

On 08/09/2013 13:14, Junior wrote:
> Lazarus 1.1 r42677M FPC 2.6.2 i386-linux-gtk 2 (Ubuntu 12.04)
> (É - é - Ã - ã - Â - â ...)
> ShowMessage('É Á');
> appears
> ShowMessage('E A');

I can confirm this on
Fedora 18
gnome 3.6.3

dead keys to not work

german key layout:

- pressing the key for any accent on the next char: nothing 
- pressing the key for any accent on the next char TWICE: showing the 
accent (actually backtick) (expected/correct)
- pressing the key for any accent on the next char, then a vocal that 
can be accented: nothing  (wrong)

works in gedit on the same system/ same settings

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