[Lazarus] Adding and hiding TPageControl tabs

stdreamer stdreamer at freemail.gr
Sat Sep 28 01:37:03 CEST 2013

On 26/09/2013 6:19 μμ, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
>>> I've got a TPageControl with a single design-time page, on which
>>> there's a Synedit which is used (a) as a splash when there's no other
>>> tabs and (b) as a template for design-time properties.
>>> I can add an extra tab and put a Synedit in it under program control,
>>> and load it with text. What I can't do is hide the original (index
>>> zero) tab: if I do, the Synedit vanishes:
>  >> PageControl in 1.0 has many bugs.
>  >>
>  > Please try 1.0.13 not released, you can get from svn fixes branch
>  > using svn.
>  > Or 1.3 (also not released)
>  > Or 1.1.99 from sourceforge
>  >
>  > 1.0.13 should be stable.
>  >
>  > The other 2 are work in progress
> Thanks, I'll investigate upgrades.
>  > Also those fixes are Gtk2, Win and QT. No idea about the other
>  > widgetsets.
>  >
>  > And:
>  > I do not know if all widgetsets suppord displaying a page, when the
>  > tab is hidden. (You can hide all tabs, via ShowTabs)
> I'm not trying to hide the tab but still see the page, I'm trying to
> hide the entire page+tab+content (index zero) and only leave the
> newly-created one (again, page+tab+content). But the last time I did any
> of this was around about the time that the old TNotebook etc. was
> deprecated, and I'm assuming that the rather convoluted sequence I was
> using in those days is no longer appropriate.
>  > This may indeed hide the page :
>  > fTntPageControl.Pages[0].TabVisible := false; // Trouble
> It hides everything at [0], but also hides the content of [1].

That's because you should not hide the tabsheet, just make the [1] the 
active tabsheet (AKA the selected and visible one) and the user will not 
be able to select the [0] that has the tab hidden until you show the 
hidden tab.

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