[Lazarus] about raised exception class 'External: SIGSEGV'

FreeMan freeman35 at delphiturkiye.com
Mon Apr 14 12:49:54 CEST 2014

I get this errors some time, I can not handle this error so I don't know 
why raised.

Project myproject raised exception class 'External: SIGSEGV'. -> Ok and 
continue to run application

Project myproject raised exception class 'RunError(216)'. -> Ok and 
continue to run application

Project myproject raised exception class 'EAccessViolation'. with 
message: Access violation -> Ok and continue to run application

Project myproject raised exception class 'External: SIGABRT'. -> Ok and 
continue to run application

Application freezing. When click to "Reset debugger" button then 
Application terminate.

My system is Kubuntu 13.10 x64 last svn fpc & lazarus.

looked in google, "External: SIGSEGV" error about not enough info for me.

procedure TFRM_.QUE_Upd(QUE_s: Boolean);
var Unq_id : IntPtr;
if not QUE_s then exit;
if not QUE_1.FieldByName('UNQ_ID').IsNull and 
Unq_id := QUE_1.FieldByName('UNQ_ID').AsInteger
else Unq_id := -1;
if Unq_id<>-1then QUE_1.Locate('UNQ_ID', Unq_id, []);

if not QUE_2.FieldByName('UNQ_ID').IsNull and 
Unq_id := QUE_2.FieldByName('UNQ_ID').AsInteger
else Unq_id := -1;

if Unq_id<>-1then QUE_2.Locate('UNQ_ID', Unq_id, []);
on E: Exception do begin
Application.MessageBox(PChar('Error raised...' + LineEnding + E.Message),
PChar(Application.Title), MB_OK + MB_ICONERROR);

I have QUE_3 too. Its master detail with QUE_2.
try-except not handle this error. I tried many different code way, 
always and uncertain time error raised exception
All 3 queries has a rxgrid. TFRM_.QUE_Upd procedure for, update datas on 
form if other forms or applications changed data.
For testing I remove debug info, and run with out IDE, I can't see error 
but Application freezing and terminate it.

Has any one idea about this ?

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