[Lazarus] How to minimize application showing modal form(s)

zeljko zeljko at holobit.net
Sat Apr 12 18:46:25 CEST 2014

On 04/12/2014 06:06 PM, Frank Poretzky wrote:
> Hi!
> In an SDI application I open a modal form with .ShowModal and from
> there a dialog window with Dialogs.MessageDlg().
> Now, when I call Application.Minimize with a TrayIcon.OnClick() event
> the main form and the message dialog disappear, whereas my custom
> modal form in-between remains visible.
> Is there a way to modify my modal form to get it minimized as well?
> object FormModal: TFormModal
>    Left = 372
>    Height = 159
>    Top = 162
>    Width = 297
>    Caption = 'Modal Form'
>    ClientHeight = 159
>    ClientWidth = 297
>    LCLVersion = ''
>    object B_MsgDlg: TButton
>      Left = 72
>      Height = 25
>      Top = 60
>      Width = 147
>      Caption = 'Open Message Dialog'
>      OnClick = DoOnClickMsgDlg
>      TabOrder = 0
>    end
> end
> Lazarus 1.0.14 / FPC 2.6.2 / SVN Rev 43446 / i386-win32-win32/win64

Application.Minimize should minimize all visible forms of application.
If it doesn't work so it could be the bug, also it could be fixed in trunk.


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