[Lazarus] $(TargetOS) and {$I %FPCTARGETOS%} result NOT equal on linux

FreeMan freeman35 at delphiturkiye.com
Mon Aug 11 15:42:56 CEST 2014

last lazarus & fpc svn
Kubuntu 14.04 x64
In project option,
Target file name (-0): apps/Myproject_$(TargetOS) result is 
In code:
S := Format('%s_%s.zip', ['*Myproject_*', {$I %FPCTARGETOS%}]); result 
is "*Myproject_Linux*"

os linux is case sensitive, so first char "L" is different and lazarus 
macro and fpc variable

/opt/lazarus/components/codetools/definetemplates.pas 2780:8

function GetCompiledTargetOS: string;
   Result:=Result:=lowerCase({$I %FPCTARGETOS%});

why lazarus change to lowerCase fpc constant ?
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