[Lazarus] LazReport: TfrReport.LoadFromFile question

Jesus Reyes jesusrmx at yahoo.com.mx
Mon Aug 25 18:40:19 CEST 2014

Please file a bug report, at least the unexistant .lrf case should trigger an exception.

Jesus Reyes A.

El Domingo, 24 de agosto, 2014 16:56:44, Bart <bartjunk64 at gmail.com> escribió:


TfrReport.LoadFromFile does not raise an exception (or return ay other
indication of error) if the file does not exist and the filename has
the .lrf extension.
If the filename has another extension the code results in a dialog
'Unsupported FRF format'.
This to me is even more bothersome, I cannot trap this in code at all,
nor can I suppress the dialog.

Similar to other components that have a LoadFromFile (TMemo, TSynEdit,
TStringGrid to name a few), I would expect the LoadFromFile to raise
an exception in both cases.

Before I file this in the bigtracjker, I ask here.
Maybe this is by design (compatibility with Delphi perhaps)?


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