[Lazarus] Range-check error in TCarbonListColumn.SetHeaderWidth

Joost van der Sluis joost at cnoc.nl
Sat Dec 6 20:18:31 CET 2014

Hi all,

Each time I start Lazarus on OS/X-Carbon, I get a range-check error.

This because TCarbonDataBrowser.AutoSizeColumns calculates a negative 
width. It calculates ((cRect.right-cRect.left)-sWidth) div aCnt. I think 
that sWidth is the sum of the width of all columns which are not 
auto-sized, and aCnt is the number of columns that are autosized. The 
problem arises if the sWidth is larger then the width of the rect.

I can think of several ways to fix this. But what is .AutoSizeColumns 
supposed to do in this case?



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