[Lazarus] Component palette reordering
freeman35 at delphiturkiye.com
Mon Dec 1 11:30:28 CET 2014
> Do you perhaps have a mixed or corrupted source repository?
> Please do:
I did much better, I remove all lazarus files and redownload and remake
(this killing my ssds lifes)
> FreeMan, did you get the paletti working? I am curious about what
> causes the problems.
> There was an issue where the reporter got a filtered palette even when
> he did not select a DataModule.
I'm Turk and live in Turkiye, I think we are different timezone, and I
have to do different things as well. if I'm not curious, I didn't write
all detail while testing.
Tested in lazarus r47043 :
-Minimize and restore not changed palette. Can be old and trash codes.
-In my project, has 2 TDatamodule, I can see onidle is work and refresh
palette. Minimize and restore IDE not change palette, I mean work normal.
-My determination:
-Palette Redesign for TDatamodule and TForm, this is okey. This
triggering _JUST_ focused form, not Editor file, not mouseonmove (work
normal I mean) if change code editor tab, palette not change, when click
F12 for form view or click to form (Tdatamodules or tform) palette work
My determination bug:
1-when palette resetting, selected tab being "standard", my idea this
is not good, no need to change selected tab.
2- exp: on TDamodule, "Data Control" tab has no component icon, son
this tab can be hide.(suggestion)
3-TDatamodule is Active, "Standard" tab is selected and "*3*"
component showing, this is normal for TDatamodule.
NO <ComponentPaletteOptions> tag "environmentoptions.xml"
Open IDE Option and click Ok just.
Chekc "environmentoptions.xml". NO
<ComponentPaletteOptions> tag
Close IDE.
Chekc "environmentoptions.xml". and see
**<ComponentPages Count="21">**
**<Page1 Value="Standard">**
**<Components Count="3">* <---- _why three? _
* <Page4 Value="Data Controls"/> <------ *_where is component's
info ???__
* <Page5 Value="Misc">**
** <Components Count="6">*
> the GUI is clever.
Sorry GUI not clever :) its a just code, But coderS are clever ;)
> Do you mean the configuration file is written even you did not change
> anything in configuration GUI.
exactly _*YES*_. I tested this more then five. I wrote before, while
writing, just visible components infos writing, and why IDE closing do
this? can options changed flag name or control problem?
On 30-11-2014 18:39, Juha Manninen wrote:
> "Restore defaults" is disabled because there are no changes compared
> to defaults. See, the GUI is clever.:)
>> >here we go, Make a Minimize and restore IDE, components gone, Open IDE
>> >options and component palette options, "restore default" buton is still
>> >disable. don't change anythink click ok. If check in
>> >"environmentoptions.xml" <ComponentPaletteOptions> tag, there isn't there.
>> >close IDE and check one more, xml is flashed or write while IDE closing but
>> >just visible item infos, so next open IDE can't see, more then 3 for
>> >standard tab
>> >
>> > <Page1 Value="Standard">
>> > <Components Count="3">
> Do you mean the configuration file is written even you did not change
> anything in configuration GUI.
> That sounds impossible.
> Do you perhaps have a mixed or corrupted source repository?
> Please do:
> $ svn up
> $ svn diff
> What does it say? If there are differences, please do:
> $ svn revert -R .
> to get a clean source repo. Also do a clean build of Lazarus in any case.
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