[Lazarus] I'm looking for experience about OSX
Michael Ring
mail at michael-ring.org
Sat Dec 6 20:56:15 CET 2014
Forgot to mention:
This list of commands builds the x86_64 and 'merges' the installation
into the default i386 installation: (I do this in two steps so that the
original installation does not get corrupted)
make clean buildbase CPU_TARGET=x86_64 INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/2.7.1
make install buildbase CPU_TARGET=x86_64 INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/2.7.1
mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/fpc/
sudo cp -r $HOME/2.7.1/lib/fpc/2.7.1 /usr/local/lib/fpc/
sudo cp $HOME/2.7.1/bin/fpc /usr/local/lib/fpc/2.7.1/ # this is not
strictly necessary
rm -rf $HOME/2.7.1
And this builds a linux crosscompiler:
CROSSOPT="-O- -gw2"
make clean buildbase CROSSINSTALL=1 OS_TARGET=linux CPU_TARGET=i386
sudo make installbase CROSSINSTALL=1 OS_TARGET=linux CPU_TARGET=i386
when you replace 'buildbase' with 'all' you should be able to get a more
complete build, for my needs buildbase is sufficient.
Am 06.12.14 um 20:37 schrieb Michael Ring:
> When your new Mac has a Retina Display then I'd recommend building the
> qt version, the fonts look much much better than in the Carbon Version
> (at least for me)
> qt has one drawback, the keys [ ] { } do not work on my german
> keyboard...
> In theory Cocoa should also give you nice fonts but I did not manage
> to build a version that works (I just retried with current svn, on
> start I get list index (-1) out of bounds error)
> To build for qt you will need to first install qt4 libraries, the
> installer from the qt page only comes with x64_64 libs, this is the
> reason why I will build lazarus with CPU_TARGET=x86_64 later.
> After installing the libs you need to compile the qt4 binding:
> http://users.telenet.be/Jan.Van.hijfte/qtforfpc/fpcqt4.html (V2.5)
> instructions to do so are in the README.TXT. Install the built binaries.
> I am using the following commands to then build lazarus (There might
> be better solutions, but this works fine for me)
> make clean all CPU_TARGET=x86_64 LCL_PLATFORM=qt OPT="-k'-framework'
> -k'ApplicationServices'"
> #make clean all CPU_TARGET=i386 LCL_PLATFORM=customdrawn
> OPT="-k'-framework' -k'ApplicationServices'"
> sudo rm -rf /usr/local/share/lazarus
> sudo make install CPU_TARGET=x86_64 LCL_PLATFORM=qt
> #sudo make install CPU_TARGET=i386 LCL_PLATFORM=cocoa
> sudo chown -R ring:staff /usr/local/share/lazarus
> # now recompile using lazbuild to have the
> lazbuild --build-ide= --ws=qt --cpu=x86_64 --compiler=ppcx64
> #lazbuild --build-ide= --ws=cocoa --cpu=i386
> Michael
> Am 06.12.14 um 19:20 schrieb Mattias Gaertner:
>> On Sat, 06 Dec 2014 20:03:55 +0200
>> FreeMan <freeman35 at delphiturkiye.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I get new toy today, macbook pro. I'll use crosscompile fpc & lazarus
>>> on this system.
>> Means?
>>> What is your widgetset suggestion for OSX?
>> Carbon works since years.
>> Cocoa works for 32bit, although still is in an early state.
>> qt works since years.
>> Keep in mind that Lazarus under OS X by default uses Apple like
>> shortcuts, which is annoying at the start.
>>> Much important is, How to install _*SVN*_ _*fpc*_ and _*SVN*_
>>> _*lazarus*_?
>> First you need to install XCode and its gdb.
>> After that it is the same as under Linux.
>>> has anyone got any script about this.
>>> I found just this links and no info about svn install, yet.
>>> http://wiki.freepascal.org/Installing_Lazarus_on_MacOS_X
>>> http://wiki.freepascal.org/GDB_on_OS_X_Mavericks_and_Xcode_5
>> Good pages.
>> Mattias
>> --
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