[Lazarus] Move TAChart subforum one level higher

Werner Pamler werner.pamler at freenet.de
Thu Feb 27 22:57:50 CET 2014

Since some time ago, all postings related to TAChart have been collected 
in a dedicated subforum. Currently, this forum is a child of "Graphics 
and Multimedia"/"Graphics". Therefore, it is not visible on the main 
forum screen. As a consequence, users wanting to ask questions on 
TAChart do not see that there is a dedicated forum and post to other 
forums, like "General" or "LCL", scattering the TAChart-related postings 
all over the Lazarus forums.

To enhance visibility of the TAChart forum I'd propose to move it one 
level higher to become a child of "Graphics and Multimedia" where it is 
visible in the main forum screen.

In this context, I'd also ask a forum moderator to move the scattered 
contributions back to the TAChart forum.

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