[Lazarus] Using different FPC versions

Martin Frb lazarus at mfriebe.de
Mon Feb 10 15:22:18 CET 2014

On 10/02/2014 13:50, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
>> Martin Frb <lazarus at mfriebe.de> hat am 10. Februar 2014 um 14:08 geschrieben:
>> [...]
>>> I don't understand the "IDE directories" in "Paths":
>>> The IDE has one set of search paths for every directory. That means a
>>> package can have different search paths than the active project.
>>> <<
>>> Here "directory" is not clear, sounds like a recursive definition?
>> I guess it means "package directory". Then the sentence reads ok.
> Actually, it means directory - any directory.
> A package can have source files in many directories.
> The search paths of a package are used for all files in all directories of a
> package.
> Same for projects.
Ok, then "package directory" is wrong, but just "package and project" 
(as in the example below) is right.
"The IDE has one set of search paths for every package and project. That 
means a package can have different search paths than the active project. "

And imho better than "directory". Especially, since you just explained 
that directory stands for the set of directories of the package (or 

Unless the sentence is supposed to mean:
each "directory" (as in truly one directory on the medium) is included 
in one (and just one) "search path" (a set of dirs), therefore there is 
one search path for each dir.

> The IDE has one set of search paths (unit search path, include search path,
> sources search path) for each directory.
The term set of "search path" should then also be explained on the wiki, 
the same as in the above quote.

The term directory in that sentence is still misleading/ambiguous

>   It creates these sets on demand.
> Whenever a file is parsed the IDE looks up its cache. If this is the first time
> that a file in that directory is parsed, the IDE collects all settings and
> calculates the search paths and compiler options. This data is not stored on
> disk.
I thought they are stored in the project/pacckage options? Only they get 
updated (if the user confirms) when files are added, removed, moved?

>> IMHO it should be
>>> The IDE has one set of search paths for every package and project.
>>> That means a package can have different search paths than the active
>>> project.

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