[Lazarus] clicking a dbgrid's column title does not trigger OnEnter event as with Delphi

Jesus Reyes jesusrmx at yahoo.com.mx
Thu Feb 13 05:18:47 CET 2014

One reason would be that Lazarus DbGrid it's not a Delphi DbGrid clone.

Without more information one can only speculate: OnEnter should be triggered in case the grid has not the focus, if it already has the focus, I don't see why OnEnter should be triggered on column click.

If you explain what you want to do, probably somebody could give you some alternative.

Jesus Reyes A.

El Miércoles, 12 de febrero, 2014 18:07:05, Alejandro Gonzalo <parkingspace26 at yahoo.com> escribió:
It does in Delphi!
>I have Laz 1.0.4 for Win7 64 bit.  Has this been fixed in a later version?  Or is there some reason this is different from Delphi?
>A. G.
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