[Lazarus] View Graphic File

Antonio Fortuny a.fortuny at sitasoftware.lu
Thu Feb 20 10:07:01 CET 2014

Le 20/02/2014 07:43, Allan E. Registos a écrit :
> Hi all,
> A noob question, I have trouble trying to port an existing vb.net 
> snippet to pascal.
> Can anyone provide a code snippet where we can download and view a 
> file from a Database?  A binary(jpeg/pdf file) was uploaded to a 
> database table. The code will just download the file uploaded and view 
> it.
> In vb.net this can be done:
> /      if conn.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then conn.Open()//
> //            sql = "Select binfile from graphicfiles WHERE id=" & id//
> //
> //            cmd = New NpgsqlCommand(sql, conn)//
> //
> //            Dim fileData As Byte() = DirectCast(cmd.ExecuteScalar(), 
> Byte())//
> //
> //            Dim sTempFileName As String = Path.GetTempPath & "\" & 
> sFileName//
> //
> //            If Not fileData Is Nothing Then//
> //
> //                'Read image data into a file stream //
> //                Using fs As New FileStream(sTempFileName, 
> FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write)//
> //                    fs.Write(fileData, 0, fileData.Length)//
> //                    'Set image variable value using memory stream. //
> //                    fs.Flush()//
> //                    fs.Close()//
> //                End Using//
> //
> //                Process.Start(sTempFileName) 'Open file//
> //
> //            End If//
> /
Sounds quite easy to translate:
1. install the sqldblaz package if not yet done
2. onto a form or a datamodule drop a connection named DB (correcpondig 
to your DB) and a transaction named TR; link them
3. drop a TSqlQuery, link it to the connection and the transacton just 
dropped (name Q)
4. fill in the Sql property/. /I assume that the column binfile is a 
binay blob
     fs: TMemoryStream;
fs := TMemoryStream.Create;
     DB.DatabaseName := 'whatever connection could be';
     DB..UserName := 'sysdba';
     DB.Password := 'your password';
     DB.Connected := True;
     Q.Sql.Text := Format('Select binfile from graphicfiles WHERE 
id=%d/'/, [id]);/        // assuming id is an integer, adapt the format 
     if Q.Eof = False then begin
         fs.Position := 0;
         fs.Position := 0;         // reset position to beginning of stream
         do  whatever you need to do with the stream "fs"
         use stream length by fs.Size
         fs.SaveToFile('any file name');
         // for an image dropped onto a form:
         ... etc...


This should work as it is a code snippet used in one of my programs 
(cleaned and simplified). In my case the DBMS is Firebird but this 
should work with any other supported by SqlDbLaz package.


> Allan
> --
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