[Lazarus] Linker errors

Antonio Fortuny a.fortuny at sitasoftware.lu
Wed Jan 15 13:47:40 CET 2014

Le 15/01/2014 10:26, Michael Van Canneyt a écrit :
> On Wed, 15 Jan 2014, Antonio Fortuny wrote:
>> Le 15/01/2014 10:08, leledumbo a écrit :
>>> Whenever you have `undefined reference to WSRegisterXXX`, you're 
>>> missing
>>> Interfaces unit in the .lpr. Sometimes package that registers custom
>>> components (such as RichMemo) in its package main file is also 
>>> required to
>>> be added to .lpr's uses clause.
>> Great, it works !! 8-) Thanks a lot  and, hum, I look so stupid.:-[
>> Maybe one more question: is it true if I assume that when using any
>> cocntrol from the "ExtCtrls" unit, the Interfaces unit is required even
>> when the components used are not visible ?
> Yes.
> But you should not use an LCL timer. It will not work anyway in a 
> daemon app since it does not use the LCL application event loop.
> (unless the lazarus team used some black magic to implement it)
Obviously, Lazarus team magic works on Win32 but not on Linux.
When starting the service I get the message "(IpService:22520): 
Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:" into the messages file and the 
service is killed.
When I launch the service by hand (MyProgram -r ), this time it runs 
(the console seems enough for GTK) but, you are rigth the timer event 
does not fire. I'm  a little bit disappointed.
Do you have, by any chance, some trick to get around this ?

> Michael.
> --
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