[Lazarus] gdb debug server class

Justin Smyth delphian at smythconsulting.net
Mon Jul 7 12:08:37 CEST 2014

Hi folks , 


I’m trying to make a copy of GDBMiServerDebugger, to allow some extra gdb
commands to be saved and  parsed.



In the list of properties I want to add a list of strings to save, ie (
assuming i have changed the name of the class , I am just  copying out of
the original


I want to store 3 or 4 extra commands I want gdb to run when It executes my
arm file via open ocd gdb. 


TGDBMIServerDebuggerProperties = class(TGDBMIDebuggerPropertiesBase)


    FDebugger_Remote_Hostname: string;

    FDebugger_Remote_Port: string;

-à FDebugger_Custom_List:TStringList ß



is this possible ? if I do this I need to add FDebugger_Custom_List =
TStringList.create; into the constructor listed below


constructor TGDBMIServerDebuggerProperties.Create;



Kind Regards



Justin Smyth

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