[Lazarus] Editortoolbar Patch + Pending issue

Giuliano Colla giuliano.colla at fastwebnet.it
Thu Jul 24 19:00:41 CEST 2014


I've posted to the bugtracker ( 
http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=26524 ) a patch meant to cover 
all pending issues, except the "Untranslatable Strings" issue, which is 
still pending.

For this issue I summarize the problem and the possible solutions:

1) The problem:
The Editortoolbar creates a Treeview which reproduces exactly the 
structure of IDEMenuRoots.
This has the advantage of giving access to all the available menu items, 
whether they are in the main Ide menu, or in various pop-up menus, well 
organized, making it easy to locate what you need.

The problem is that while Menu Items have a translatable caption, Menu 
Sections do not, because they were intended only for internal usage. But 
using the same structure for a human readable Treeview gives rise to the 

2) Possible solutions:

    a) To leave things as they are. In the Treeview, Menu Sections are
    shown with the internal name.
    Pros: No need to modify anything.
    Cons: Users unfamiliar with English, or worse unfamiliar with Latin
    alphabet will have a lot of troubles to understand what the heck
    mean some of them.

    b) To modify lazarus code, adding a human readable Caption to Menu
    Sections. Sort of: TIDEMenuSection.Create (const TheName: string;
    const TheCaption: string = '');
    Pros: It becomes possible to take advantage of IDEMenuRoots to
    generate human readable infos also for Menu Sections. Editortoolbar
    can exploit this, but other IDE future extensions may take advantage
    Cons: Requires the update of quite a number of units/packages.

    c) To modify EditorToolbar code, which upon detecting the
    untranslated string (Name=Caption), may access his own translations
    in his resources.
    Pros: no need to modify lazarus code elsewhere.
    Cons: requires housekeeping of EditorToolbar whenever there's a
    change in lazarus Menu Sections.

    d) To implement differently the EditorToolbar TreeView. But I fail
    to see how.

I'd be in favor of option b), but that's just my vote.
What shall we do?


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