[Lazarus] ERROR: Compiling package jcfidelazarus 2.0: terminated

FreeMan freeman35 at delphiturkiye.com
Thu Jul 31 13:12:50 CEST 2014

Kubuntu 14.04 x64
lazarus svn r45996
fpc svn r28280

command line is:
./lazbuild --ws=qt --pcp=~/.lazarus  --build-all --quiet 
--skip-dependencies --build-ide=
error is:
/opt/lazarus/components/jcf2/Process/Align/AlignBase.pas(58,37) Hint: 
(5024) Parameter "pt" not used
Compiling package jcfidelazarus 2.0: terminated
TLazPackageGraph.CompileRequiredPackages ERROR="Exit code 256"
ERROR: BuildLazarusIDE: Compile AutoInstall Packages failed.

2.after error re-enter command line and this time error result is:

(3104) Compiling /opt/lazarus/components/jcf2/Process/Align/AlignComment.pas
(3104) Compiling /opt/lazarus/components/jcf2/Process/Align/AlignField.pas
(3104) Compiling /opt/lazarus/components
Compiling package jcfidelazarus 2.0: terminated
TLazPackageGraph.CompileRequiredPackages ERROR="Exit code 256"
ERROR: BuildLazarusIDE: Compile AutoInstall Packages failed.

3. re-enter command line, and error result is:

(3104) Compiling 
Compiling package jcfidelazarus 2.0: terminated
TLazPackageGraph.CompileRequiredPackages ERROR="Exit code 256"
ERROR: BuildLazarusIDE: Compile AutoInstall Packages failed.

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