[Lazarus] LazUtils - UTF8Process.pp - CommandLine/ApplicationName not deprecated

Michael Thompson mike.cornflake at gmail.com
Sat Jun 28 18:42:15 CEST 2014

In Process.pp several properties are marked deprecated (ApplicationName and
CommandLine).  This tells me they're going to disappear one day, though I
suspect not soon.   I've just noticed in the UTF8 wrapper for TProcess (
TProcessUTF8), the corresponding properties are not marked deprecated, in
fact more interestingly the following is set: {$WARN SYMBOL_DEPRECATED OFF}

Anyone any idea why this is?   Should I be submitting a patch/query on the
bugtracker, or is there a valid reason?

I also note that procedure TProcessUTF8.SetCommandLineUTF8 relies
ultimately on CommandToList in process.pp to set the Parameters, and
CommandToList doesn't look UTF8 friendly to me, but I'll admit UTF8 isn't
even slightly my strong suite...

There's certainly something going wrong with Unicode filenames in my
current project (mplayer), but at this time I'm not sure if it's
mplayer or TProcessUTF8.SetCommandLineUTF8
to blame (or indeed if it's something else completely)...

So really, I guess I'm also asking if I should be avoiding
TProcessUTF8.CommandLine, even though it's not marked as deprecated...

Many thanks

Mike Thompson (had to add Thompson, far too many other Mike's on here :-) )
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