[Lazarus] Problem rounding values at post

Philippe philippe at quarta.com.br
Wed Jun 4 00:29:16 CEST 2014


depending of the needs and the tool you may use string fields as
well. (for example, Java will make the conversion in a numerical


Em 03.06.2014 17:39, Daniel Erles escreveu: 

> I have this problem: 
> My database (Firebird) has a table
with the following fields: 
> ... 
> rTitle DECIMAL(8,4) not null, 
rDiameter DECIMAL(10,6) not null, 
> ... 
> In my program I have a
Form with a a TZTable object (ZEOS) called zData, bound to that table.

> In a routine I have the following code: 
> zData.Insert; 
> ... 
zData.FieldByName('rTitle').AsFloat := 0.12; 
zData.FieldByName('rDiameter').AsFloat := 0.12; 
> ... 
> zData.Post; 

> Then, at the table, I see that the values ​​are stored as follows: 

> rTitle = 0.1199 
> rDiameter = 0.12 
> Do not know why rTitle is
0.1199 instead of 0.12 
> I need the saved values ​​are accurate. 
I've tried AsFloat, AsCurrency, Value, always with the same result. 

> Any idea? 
> Tks. 
> Daniel. 
> --
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