[Lazarus] Resource strings and newline

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Thu Jun 19 10:07:59 CEST 2014

On Thu, 19 Jun 2014 07:07:53 +0200
Péter Gábor <ptrg at freemail.hu> wrote:

> I asked about different LineEndigs because of the resourcestrings which
> are written by developers working on different operating systems.
> They may put different LineEnding in resourcestrings if they don't use
> the LineEnding constant, but writing #13#10 or #10 or #13 as it is usual
> on their system. In this case the compiler on an other system may not
> accept the hardcoded line ending as it is wished by the developer.
> If the string 'Linux#10is great!' will be compiled on Linux it will
> become 'Linux \n is great!' but when compiling on windows it will not
> have the \n in it.

All three #10, #13, #13#10 are converted by the Lazarus .po generater
on all platforms to \n. And this will be converted on loading to

The problem is the original untranslated resourcestring, that contains
the #13 or #10. So if no translation is loaded, the line endings may be
wrong for the platform.

To be safe: use LineEnding instead of #10,#13.


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