[Lazarus] about infobuild form development

FreeMan freeman35 at delphiturkiye.com
Thu Jun 19 10:37:19 CEST 2014

I'll changed mail subject.

19-06-2014 02:55 tarihinde, Mattias Gaertner yazdı:
> What compiler directive?
> A compiler directive is for example "{$mode objfpc}".
> Maybe you mean something else?
I was use antique hellenic city name, so I used to much that.
   {$IFNDEF EnableOldExtTools}ExtTools,{$ELSE}InfoBuild,{$ENDIF} if tell 
condition to compiler, its mean directive, never mind, I'm still not 
used to lazarus
"Show compiler dialog" check box removed from IDE options, so I need to 
active when IDE start compile, infobuild form have to show. I hope 
traslate my self :)

> Select a message and right click / About ...
> This will tell you what you compiled, how and why it was auto compiled.
I don't like "auto" thing,  its mean out of my control. and not just get 
info about compiled project. Project inspector always open on my 
desktop, just click to options from here, better then looking for menu 
item for me :)
> Please describe what the infobuild window should do in your opinion.
> Then we can probably give implementation hints.
I think you saw my form screenshot. Before removed, and if checked in 
IDE options. When IDE start compile job, this form was showing and give 
detail,when finish compiling, write success and if not selected auto 
close, its wait click to close.
My opinion start here, target os & cpu, debug info check box are there, 
so I'll see while compiling, not after finish and looking for any form 
any menu item. If I don't wanna  "-T=default -P=default" I'll abort 
compiling in this form, and change cpu or os from combobox, maybe remove 
or add debug info too, and click to compile or build button, all of them 
in same form, so I don't need looking for in menu or options, for cross 
compile jobs

> -compiler_config_target.pas  has in what I need,
> What do you need?
> I can add events. What events do you need?
1-) In compiler_config_target.pas,   TargetOSComboBox & 
TargetCPUComboBox adding items, this can be in include file or public 
procedure, without class. For TargetCPUComboBox too.
procedure TargetOSComboBox_Fill_Items(aItems : Tstringlist);
     aItems.Add('(' + lisDefault + ')');

2- I need this procedures too but out TCompilerConfigTargetFrame class
   procedure UpdateByTargetOS(aTargetOS: string);
   procedure UpdateByTargetCPU(aTargetCPU: string);

3-) I need ReadSettings writeSetting from project options. Why I need, 
when open infobuild form, I have to set saved settings so set selected 
combobox items. why write, readed "win32" changed to "linux" and click 
to compile, If I'm not wrong, compiler classes, read settings before 
start compile and build compiler parameter. so I need to writesettings.

4-) Need Main menu Items Compile & Build click events, not sure but have 
Tactionlist I think. Will add this to build & compile buttons

5-) need raise error check. infobuild how to show or create, that lines 
have to check, 'cos infobuild can showing still. This mean clicked 
compile button ln infobuild, so no need the trigger show or create 
infobuild form.

Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not say do this, I have to do this, 
but all of them part of IDE, I can not change big system for my 
opinions, so I need yours helps. This small changing can be practice use 
for other users too.
Thank you

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