[Lazarus] about infobuild form development

FreeMan freeman35 at delphiturkiye.com
Fri Jun 20 16:43:07 CEST 2014

> Please remove the commented code.
Thats okey, ' cos  //{$IFNDEF EnableOldExtTools}{$ERROR 
Obsolete}{$ENDIF} this line is work in InfoBuild.pp this mean this unit 
was included, and I check one more time without "-dEnableCompInfoWnd" param.
here is okey, next puzzle item;

> You have to port all code depending on the infobuild unit. For
> example the CompileProgress.
where is infobuild form show and / or other code?  not enough add 
infobuild in project isn't it? IDE not showing this form still.

> I moved those lists to codetools.
Thank you. I'm still try infoBuild Show form.

> The infobuild window was only shown when compiling, was
> only showing information and was for the ...... nostalgia.
> You want a selector for your favorite settings (target OS and CPU).
> That's a different thing. Personal things should go into a separate
> package.
If I'm not wrong, this is not antique hellenic city name,, this is 
lazarus project, they can be use that, this them problem. I wanna make 
useful tool. I get one more idea too while writeing this message :)
I get one project, it will work on linux, w32, w64, osx (will future) 
and my IDE in linux. Project options set default cpu and os. First click 
build for linux. ok. for w32, open Project option, find config & target 
change cpu & os then click ok then compile third one bla bla same thing. 
If I can do my tool, all off them be in one form, just select cpu & os etc.
Last idea, (before end idea :) ) I'm using auto. inc. build number. I 
have to disable and re enable every time 'cos same project 4 diffrent 
version can see. this checkbox and/or can edded on infoBuild form too

> If you fear those automatism, then you are doing something wrong.
yes, I'm fear, if I don't know how its work that automatism.
and next idea, It can be future of future design. if remember my 
screenshot, get imagination Stringlist on ınfoBuid form, I'll select cpu 
and os then click add button, and create a list, then click build 
"AUTOMATIC" all defined configuretion.

yes, separate package is good idea, I was started two comboxbox :) I'm 
still not show form, and I'm still riddle.
Thank you

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