[Lazarus] Accessibility of Lazarus

Grzegorz Zlotowicz grzezlo at wp.pl
Sun Jun 29 00:16:44 CEST 2014

As I wrote a moment ago in previous message, the problem is not the 
wm_getwindowtext itself, but the underlying accessibility object.
states, that:
LCL developers need to provide accessibility for all TCustomControl 
descendents in the LCL and also for all non-windowed controls in the LCL 
(such as TLabel).

So the right thing seems to be setting up the accessible object for this 
non-standard control, and everything should work.
But, as I mentioned - after trying to set AccessibleDescription for the 
bitbutton didn't work, so I suppose that the implementation of 
accessible object may be somehow incomplete for bitbutton.

By the way - the mentioned wiki page says about testing the 
accessibility using screen-reader, but it lists only
Voice Over for Macos x, and Orca for Linux, but says nothing about NVDA 
for Windows, which is advanced, free and open-source screen reader, and 
possibly most important - it can be placed on the computer as a portable 
version, not changing anything in the system settings.
So for testing suggested by the Wiki page, it can be activated for a 
moment, and turned off when not needed anymore.

Greetings, Greg.
W dniu 2014-06-28 14:48, Bart napisaƂ/a:
> AFAIK for TBitBtn an attempt was made to make it work, but this lead
> to visual anomalies (double captions on the button) and was reverted.
> Bart
> --
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