[Lazarus] free Pascal versions

JIMB wandana at ntlworld.com
Mon Mar 3 13:24:30 CET 2014



Not sure if this is the appropriate place to send this enquiry, maybe some
one will guide me!


I used Borland T Pascal for many years and later on Delphi.  Although I have
good training in Object oriented design and implementation, I have NOT had
many occasions where it was actually needed. Much of my stuff is just number
crunching and some graphic output, (7 colour is fine).


I am struggling to make Lazarus do the stuff I want; a great deal of the
Lazarus power just confuses a simple process. Basically I need a replacement
for Borland Pascal 7. I do, however, like the Lazarus IDE.


Any ideas what I which way I should go, and where will I see any replies to
this email, if there are any?


Best wishes,



Jim Barr


Best is the enemy of good enough



Barrs law of recurcive futility:-


  If you're smart enough to use one of these.....

              .....you can probably manage without one


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