[Lazarus] Unable to display symbols

Giuliano Colla giuliano.colla at fastwebnet.it
Sat Mar 8 13:52:12 CET 2014


I'm porting to Lazarus a Kylix application, where I need to display the 
special symbols in the range $A0 to $BF such as: ¦ ¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥, etc. 
(Actually I'm using a font where those symbols are replaced by other 
symbols related to the application, but that's not relevant).
But while, on the same platform, the Kylix application displays them 
properly, the Lazarus application using the same code doesn't: with GTK2 
ws they display as question marks or as crossed boxes, with Qt ws they 
display as blanks.

The code is sort of:

aText: string;
aText := 'SomeString' + char(ord($A0));
Label1.caption := aText;

Changing type from string to UTF8String has no effect.

What I'm doing wrong?


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