[Lazarus] Fatal: Compilation aborted

FreeMan freeman35 at delphiturkiye.com
Sun Mar 2 11:33:12 CET 2014

Today not may day :)
last fpc svn has fatal error too...
I attach my svn install script and svn update script. I'm using as long 
as nearly one year this scripts.
this is fpc error r26918, if downgrade to 26912 it okey, not report yet
"Hata" mean error
make[7]:`/opt/freepascal/2.7.1/rtl/linux' dizinine giriliyor
as --64 -o /opt/freepascal/2.7.1/rtl/units/x86_64-linux/prt0.o 
as --64  -o /opt/freepascal/2.7.1/rtl/units/x86_64-linux/dllprt0.o 
as --64 -o /opt/freepascal/2.7.1/rtl/units/x86_64-linux/cprt0.o 
as --64 -o /opt/freepascal/2.7.1/rtl/units/x86_64-linux/gprt0.o 
/opt/freepascal/2.7.1/compiler/ppc1 -Ur -Ur -Xs -O2 -n -Fi../inc 
-Fi../x86_64 -Fi../unix -Fix86_64 -FE. 
-FU/opt/freepascal/2.7.1/rtl/units/x86_64-linux -Cg -dx86_64 -dRELEASE 
-Us -Sg system.pp
make[7]: *** [system.ppu] Parçalama arızası (bellek kopyası - core 
dosyası - diske yazıldı)
make[7]: `/opt/freepascal/2.7.1/rtl/linux' dizininden çıkılıyor
make[6]: *** [linux_all] Hata 2
make[6]: `/opt/freepascal/2.7.1/rtl' dizininden çıkılıyor
make[5]: *** [rtl] Hata 2
make[5]: `/opt/freepascal/2.7.1/compiler' dizininden çıkılıyor
make[4]: *** [next] Hata 2
make[4]: `/opt/freepascal/2.7.1/compiler' dizininden çıkılıyor
make[3]: *** [ppc2] Hata 2
make[3]: `/opt/freepascal/2.7.1/compiler' dizininden çıkılıyor
make[2]: *** [cycle] Hata 2
make[2]: `/opt/freepascal/2.7.1/compiler' dizininden çıkılıyor
make[1]: *** [compiler_cycle] Hata 2
make[1]: `/opt/freepascal/2.7.1' dizininden çıkılıyor
make: *** [build-stamp.x86_64-linux] Hata 2

if not add "OVERRIDEVERSIONCHECK=1" parameter get this error:

make[1]: `/opt/freepascal/2.7.1/installer' dizininden çıkılıyor
/bin/rm -f build-stamp.*
/bin/rm -f base.build-stamp.*
Makefile:2731: *** The only supported starting compiler version is 
2.6.2. You are trying to build with 2.7.1. If you are absolutely sure 
that the current compiler is built from the exact same version/revision, 
you can try to use OVERRIDEVERSIONCHECK=1 to override . Stop.

fpc.cfg creating install script. I use install script only one time, 
after then use allways update script. On this morning analyze my install 
script, and ask this question, why have to install fpc 2.6.2 ?

really to day is my bad day I think, I downgrade fpc to r26912, then 
manual type without via OVERRIDEVERSIONCHECK=1 make command get error 
and copy here, then make with OVERRIDEVERSIONCHECK=1 fpc compiled. after 
then make lazarus without error and build lazarus without any error. 
????? I did not understand how and why
Thank you

02-03-2014 11:47 tarihinde, Mattias Gaertner yazdı:
> And how did you create /etc/fpc.cfg?
> Mattias

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