[Lazarus] TSQLQuery.ParamCheck

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Mon Mar 3 09:51:56 CET 2014

On Mon, 3 Mar 2014, Antonio Fortuny wrote:

> Le 01/03/2014 20:12, Kapibara Pas a écrit :
>> Hi there! This is my first posting on the mailing list. Thank you for your 
>> work on Lazarus!!
>> I have a question:
>> An earlier revision of Lazarus had the ParamCheck property implemented for 
>> SQLQuery. In the latest trunk that property is gone and all code removed 
>> from SQLdb.pas Could someone fill me in on that, and if it will be back in 
>> later versions?
>> Thing is, I created a parameter at designtime from ObjectInspector and 
>> assigned a value to it at runtime. That doesnt work for me without 
>> ParamCheck:=false. The compiler complains: "parameter not found".
> You could use ParseSQL property instead.

The ParamCheck is not removed, it is still there ?

araminta: >grep -i -n ParamCheck sqldb.pp
288:    FParamCheck: Boolean;
328:    Property ParamCheck : Boolean Read FParamCheck Write FParamCheck default true;
344:    Property ParamCheck;
382:    function GetParamCheck: Boolean;
390:    procedure SetParamCheck(AValue: Boolean);
487:    Property ParamCheck : Boolean Read GetParamCheck Write SetParamCheck default true;
544:    Property ParamCheck;
744:  if not ParamCheck then
886:  FParamCheck:=True;
1796:function TCustomSQLQuery.GetParamCheck: Boolean;
1798:  Result:=FStatement.ParamCheck;
2257:  If ParamCheck and Assigned(FDataLink) then
2433:procedure TCustomSQLQuery.SetParamCheck(AValue: Boolean);
2435:  FStatement.ParamCheck:=AValue;
2567:  FQuery.ParamCheck := false; // Do not parse for parameters; breaks use of e.g. select bla into :bla in Firebird procedures


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