[Lazarus] Fatal: Compilation aborted

FreeMan freeman35 at delphiturkiye.com
Mon Mar 3 11:51:25 CET 2014

Did you check my install and update script? I was send one or two 
message before. Has it any error or wrong command?
2.6.2 last stable and download link in script, link remarked, manual 
download it before run script, and save thats under stable folder and 
use that from disk via "dpkg -i".  I Looked on wiki and froum, always 
say first step install last stable fpc, in my script same.
If team say do not use svn version, we are not support it, okey. But, if 
say we need for tester, please tell us how to install and update rule or 
script etc.

just for example:
this is firebird daily snapshot folder, I'm use 
download it, open tar any folder, and execute install.sh

Thank you

02-03-2014 13:11 tarihinde, Sven Barth yazdı:
> Because the ONLY guaranteed and supported way to compile a trunk 
> compiler is the latest release which in this case is 2.6.2 (or by 
> using a compiler of the exact same svn revision that you want to 
> compile). If you don't follow this then you're left on your own. There 
> won't be any support from us if you don't use the latest release 
> compiler for bootstrapping.
> Regards,
> Sven

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