[Lazarus] free Pascal versions

Chris Kelling kellingc at cox.net
Mon Mar 3 15:42:02 CET 2014


If you want to use the Lazarus IDE to write code as opposed to the FPC IDE, when you open a new project, when asked what type select either "program" or "console program" as opposed to "application". 

-------- Everything at or below the line is a signature, not to be confused with the body of the email above. Sorry about the last signature text that seemed to have some people questioning my sanity. 

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.


> From: JIMB [mailto:wandana at ntlworld.com] 
> Sent: 03 March 2014 12:24
> To: lazarus at lists.lazarus.freepascal.org
> Subject: [Lazarus] free Pascal versions
> Hi,
> Not sure if this is the appropriate place to send this enquiry, maybe some one will guide me!
> I used Borland T Pascal for many years and later on Delphi.  Although I have good training in Object oriented design and implementation, I have NOT had many occasions where it was actually needed. Much of my stuff is just number crunching and some graphic output, (7 colour is fine).
> I am struggling to make Lazarus do the stuff I want; a great deal of the Lazarus power just confuses a simple process. Basically I need a replacement for Borland Pascal 7. I do, however, like the Lazarus IDE.
> Any ideas what I which way I should go, and where will I see any replies to this email, if there are any?
> Best wishes,
> Jim
> Jim Barr
> Best is the enemy of good enough
> Barrs law of recurcive futility:-
>   If you're smart enough to use one of these.....
>               .....you can probably manage without one
> --
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