[Lazarus] debugging parts of rtl from within lazarus

Marc Santhoff M.Santhoff at web.de
Wed Mar 19 17:02:02 CET 2014

On Mo, 2014-03-17 at 22:35 +0100, Sven Barth wrote:
> Am 17.03.2014 20:23 schrieb "Marc Santhoff" <M.Santhoff at web.de>:
> > > The IDE doesn't rebuild RTL , or fpc packages. But if you have your own
> > > fpc build, you can always rebuild and install it with debug info.
> >
> > I have no own build but the sources. Reading the FAQ it should work to
> > cd to .../rtl/unix, build with -gl, and afterwards install the new ppu
> > to the same location as the compiler.
> You should merely go to $fpcsrc/rtl and do "make clean all OPT=-gl". Your
> source should be of the same compiler version as the compiler you build
> with. Also if you use a unit (or a package) that depends on any of the
> recompiled units that will need to be recompiled as well. So for RTL I
> would suggest you to only copy the Serial unit as dependencies on that
> should be rather low. Additionally you won't be annoyed by having the
> debugger step all helper routines used by the compiler.

Makes lots of sense, I think I'll go the way of copying only serial.pp.

> Note: the location "same as compiler" would be wrong. You need to copy the
> unit to the location where the "normal" serial.ppu and serial.o are stored
> (and you should make a backup of course). Normally thus should he something
> like /usr/lib/fpc/2.6.4/units/i386-linux/rtl or so...

OK, especially because the compiler installation(s) are in my home dir.

> >
> > I'd like better if I could switch a standard version and a debugging
> > version of the RTL. If it works in general this could be done by some
> > conditionals in .fpc.cfg, I think.
> In that case you should recompile the complete source (inside the $fpcsrc
> directory) with OPT=-gl and then you'll need to install the units to a
> different location (e.g. /usr/lib/2.6.4/units-dbg) and then adjust the
> fpc.cfg to use a different set of paths if you specify a special define on
> the command line (e.g. -dDEBUG_UNITS)

OK, at least this mail is getting archived for being at hand when
needed. This serial port thingy is the first time ever I really need to
twiddle the RTL.

Danke Sven!

Marc Santhoff <M.Santhoff at web.de>

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