[Lazarus] Lazarus 1.2

Antonio Fortuny a.fortuny at sitasoftware.lu
Thu Mar 20 13:41:23 CET 2014

Le 20/03/2014 12:14, Antonio Fortuny a écrit :
> Hi FOlks.
> I'm testing Lazarus 1.2 on a W7 64bit with cross compilation for Win64 
> and WinCE as Lazarus is Win32. All three downloaded and installed 
> without problems
> With a little project, no problems at all, it compiles and runs on all 
> three platforms.
> So far so good.
> Now, real projects but packages first: they compile on all platforms 
> and more specifically Indy
> two projects copied from a Win32 Lazarus 1.0.12 (current production on 
> 2 different platforms one for Win32+WinCE and a second for Win64):
> On production: compile and run everywhere. This my current production 
> environment
> Now copy both projects to Lazarus 1.2 machine:
> project one compiles with Indy on Win32 and Win64 (WinCE is not an 
> option for this project) only adapting the compiler search path
> - including the Indy package in the required packages fails to find 
> any Indy unit
> - including the Indy lib in the complier search pat and removing the 
> package name compiles nicely (!!??)
> project two: (has to run on all three platforms) compilation for Win32 
> (the 2 other platforms not yet testes) fails with error
> ...\..\..\..\Lib\uservertcpconnect2.pas(9,3) Fatal: Can't find unit 
> IdTCPClient used by uservertcpconnect2
> The unit uservertcpconnect2 is referenced in both projects and .o and 
> ..ppu are in the Indy lib folder and only once in the machine
> - Naming Indy in the required packages changes nothing
> - including the Indy lib in the complier search path does not solve 
> the problem neither.
> I've made a little test project having nothing but a close button. The 
> previous uni is included,
> - add Indy lib into compiler search path
> - add the unit in the uses clause
> The project compiles and runs OK
> Where could the difference be located ?
Found a workaroud:
- make a new application
-- adjust search path and all options to what they must be
- add in the project uses clause the problematic unit
- compile (it workd)
- add all needed packages except Indy
- add all units of the project in the new project
- add all necessary CreateForm (copy paste from original project
- make the rest of the project unit identical to the original one
- complie: works nicely for Win32
- run: runs nicely as well 8-)
I'll make a try with Win64 and WinCE. I'll let you know what happens

> Antonio.
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