[Lazarus] Confused by help

Luca Olivetti luca at wetron.es
Sat Mar 22 20:35:46 CET 2014

El 22/03/14 19:59, Graeme Geldenhuys ha escrit:

> So you can define numerical or keyword help inside your application -
> just like you would do with LCL or VCL applications. I don't know if you
> can override the default help viewer in LCL based apps.

Sure you can.
You just have to create a class derived from THelmManager (in unit
I use it to invoke a pdf reader (sumatrapdf, since it accepts a keyword
as a command line parameter).

Luca Olivetti
Wetron Automation Technology http://www.wetron.es
Tel. +34 935883004  Fax +34 935883007

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