[Lazarus] RFC: Code tools Feature?

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Thu Mar 27 13:14:10 CET 2014

On Thu, 27 Mar 2014, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

> Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
>>> If the compiler could track the current procedure (or function, or 
>>> class.method etc.) name, then couldn't that be done with a macro? Then the 
>>> app source would be a less-obtrusive:
>>> Procedure TMyClass.MyMethod;
>>> begin_logged
>>> end_logged;
>> I prefer not to use macros. This is not C.
>> I like to see explicitly what is happening.
>> Pascal macros are also not customizable/parametrizable (as the IDE macros 
>> are).
> Would you be happier if it were described or implemented like an ALGOL 
> control card? This is a clear case of something which is needed fairly 
> regularly by all users of the language, rather than just by those who use 
> Lazarus, and having a decent way to implement it at the language level is 
> preferable even if there were an IDE shortcut.

Well, we differ in our opinions here.

The less we do at the language level, the better.
It's getting bloated enough as it to my taste.

So yes, it stops there as far as I am concerned.


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