[Lazarus] SQLQuery

Chris Crori crori49 at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 27 14:53:35 CET 2014

On Thu, 27 Mar 2014, Chris Crori wrote:

> Hi guys,
>     i use a SQLQuery in a project to connect to a Firebird database. In my 
> table i use a BEFORE INSERT trigger for
> my primary ID field.
> In the same transaction i have to insert a detail row in another column. 
> How can i find out the ID result after
> post but before commit?

There is currently no way to do this unless you run a second query that uses 
a unique field to retrieve the ID.

if you are using a manual insert query you can do
and use a OPEN to retrieve the ID.

> ps : i tried ZEOSDB and generators worked like a charm, but using ZEOSDB 
> made my app sluggish

There are some plans to support such a thing but nothing was implemented 


There is a DBGrid linked to that Query so i can't :(
also i tried to use returning inside the InsertSql statement and it didn't 
word (i thought maybe it will update the ID field)

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