[Lazarus] icons (SynEdit tab)

Martin Frb lazarus at mfriebe.de
Tue May 13 21:31:35 CEST 2014

On 13/05/2014 20:28, Martin Frb wrote:
> On 13/05/2014 20:16, Junior wrote:
>> "If the width is to small, the SynEdit needs 2 rows (as it has so 
>> many icons), and 2 rows of course means scrollbar"
>> I am not referring to the width, but the height.
> Yes.
> But as I said, I can not reproduce what you describe. If all icons fit 
> into a single line  (so if the form is wide enough) then the SynEdit 
> tabs shows the scrollbar at the exact same time as the "Standard" tab.

You are aware, that if the form is not wide enough, the icans do NOT 
scroll horizontally? They are wrapped into a 2nd line, and a vertical 
scrollbar shows, because of the 2nd line.

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