[Lazarus] [Off Topic] Guys, you know the news?

Junior lazarus.linux at gmail.com
Wed May 21 11:33:03 CEST 2014

Not true I do not have two names, merely posted an off-topic.

Em 21-05-2014 06:18, Mark Morgan Lloyd escreveu:
> leledumbo wrote:
>>> This message (spam) is from the same author with dual identity, a.k.a
>> Robson.
>> I received insults in pvt. This is the famous "hue hue br br br"
>> (http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/huahuehuahue). Therefore,
>> Robson/Lazarus.linux/Junior.linux/others is just a flamer, who that 
>> delights
>> causing flames/trolls in Delphi/Lazarus/Linux lists.
>> Could it be the same shit as this:
>> https://github.com/leledumbo/QTemplate/issues/2 ?
> OTOH it was Junior who started the thread about timing. Which can be 
> read as a hint that he can ask for help or he can troll, but not both.

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