[Lazarus] [FIXED] what is function header problem ?
freeman35 at delphiturkiye.com
Wed May 28 17:05:10 CEST 2014
//Graphics, PictureContainer, Classes, Controls, ComCtrls, Dialogs,
ImgList, Messages,LCLType, types, InterfaceBase;
LCLType, {LCLIntf, LMessages,} Graphics, PictureContainer, Classes,
, ImgList, SysUtils, Messages, Types, InterfaceBase;
Just changed uses lines. ???
28-05-2014 17:06 tarihinde, FreeMan yazdı:
> I'm trying port some code, I get this error. IDE code complied is
> work, rename tool working.
> what is wrong?
> Thank you
> Kubuntu 14.04 x64, fpc svn r27818 lazarus svn r45213
> /comp/asg.pas(100,10) Error: function header doesn't match the
> previous declaration
> "DrawEx(TCanvas;AnsiString;TRect;TCustomImageList;LongInt;LongInt;LongInt;LongInt;LongInt;Boolean;Boolean;Boolean;Boolean;Boolean;Boolean;Boolean;Boolean;Double;TGraphicsColor;TGraphicsColor;TGraphicsColor;TGraphicsColor;var
> AnsiString;var AnsiString;var A"
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