[Lazarus] "Rename identifier" issues

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Thu Nov 6 23:36:34 CET 2014

On Thu, 6 Nov 2014 21:21:55 +0100
Frederic Da Vitoria <davitofrg at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello
> I currently use Lazarus 1.2.6 / fpc 2.6.4. I have 2 issues with it
> First of all, I believe the message is slightly wrong: instead of "Choose a
> name for the new component", it should be "Choose a new name for the
> component".

This dialog is shown when creating a new component and when renaming.
I changed it to "Choose a name for the component".

> Here is my second issue: In a small project with only one Form, I decided
> at one point to rename the standard TForm1 to TMainForm and the variable
> Form1 to MainForm (using the F2 shortcut in both circumstances). The
> renaming apparently proceeded correctly and fpc compiled my application
> without problem. But when I ran it, I got an EResNotFound with the message
> "Form resource TMainForm not found (...)". I then discovered that in
> TMainForm.lfm still contained "object Form1: TForm1". Of course, simply
> renaming the component Form1 to MainForm solved the issue. In this
> situation, shouldn't renaming the variable with F2 also rename the
> component or at least suggest to do it?

Fixed in trunk.


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